Friday, August 30, 2013

Tissue n Wipes Organizer

,OMG... It's been 2 months i didn't update my blog. I was so busy with kids, house chores, etc. The sewing project that normally can be done within a day, i took abt a week or two to finish it. Seriously.. Is it just me or other homemakers out there experience this too. I just admire those with 3 kids and still have time to do some quilting.. How did they manage their time? Do they sleep? I'm still struggling with time management after few years....haizzz. Ok, stop complaining. Giving thanks to God in everything.

Few months back my husband gave me an crazy idea to make an organizer or pouch that can hold baby wipes and travel pack dry tissue. As a mom with 2 toddlers, wipes and tissue are really important, we can't go out without them when we go out with kids. I searched online for the pattern and tutorial and found none. Maybe nobody made it before? I took few months getting an idea how to make it. Yes,.. I'm a beginner in sewing, so even planning and sewing take longer time... But don't worry.. I'm getting faster ^_^ Finally i managed to made the tissue and wipes organizer. It's not prefect yet but it serves the purpose and i'm happy how it turned out.