Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Quilt Blankets

When i first took up a sewing class, my first objective was to make K a quilt blanket. It didn't happened until recently that i really started to look for patterns, tutorial, etc. Of course i looked for easy and simple to do quilt.

My first quilt is a Layer Cake Lemonade Quilt. Pattern is available free from Fat Quarter Shop. The quilt consists of Layer cakes (10"x10") and it is quite easy to do. I made mine with blue, green, brown shades and with animals pattern. More like autumn colors.

My second quilt is Strip and Flip Baby Quilt from Cluck Cluck Sew. It just use Jelly Rolls. From the picture it might look easy to do but it wasn't that easy. I would say the most difficult part from this quilt is how to align those strips together between left and right column. Just do it slowly, you'll get it there.

This rainbow quilt i dedicated to my boy K. He loves rainbow since a year old and there is always a rainbow wherever he is.

For the backing, i used baby fleece. It's more difficult to sew but i just love how soft it feels. My boys love it too.

Hats Hats and Hats

I love to wear hats and i love my kids to wear them too (too bad they are not in the same frequency as mine), especially bucket hats where they are wide brim to protect you from sun ray.

After i made K's pj pants, i used the M&M's fabric to make him a bucket hat. I just love this M&M's fabric. It as cute pictures, nice colours.

This time i made Reversible Bucket Hat  by Oliver+S . It has 4 sized XS - L (from 6 months to 8 years old). The pattern is true to its size and it is just fit perfectly on K's head. I made a lot of hats with that pattern and i just love how it turned out.

Soon, i tried to find bucket hat patterns for adult. First i tried Kitsch Bitsch. For Asians, please do size S or the smallest size available. This pattern has a narrow brim and a wide side. The hat turned out to be really "deep" that at the end the brim will fall on your eye levels and just cover your eyes, which i don't really like. That's for me as not everyone hat the same face shape.

Then i tried Martha Stewart bucket hat. It just way too big. It worse than Kitsh Bitsch. When i made this, i have to make few adjustment. The brim is really wide. If you made this hat, you just need to put thicker fusible interfacing so the brim won't be so flimsy.

At the end, i just combine Kitsch Bitsch and Martha Stewart hats, make a few adjustable and at the end make the hat that i really like.

PJ Pants

The boys are growing up so fast. They have outgrown most of their pyjamas pants. So i decided to sew new pj pants for them.

A few months back i bought tinker bell flannel pj pants from disney store. It is to comfortable to wear. So i decided to make flannel pj pants for my boys too. D is in love with superhero nowadays, so he chose transformers print. Meanwhile K who is always in love with candy, chocolates and all those sweet treats, chose M&M's print (couldn't go far from it right  ^_^).

I follow PJ pants pattern and tutorial from Sew Jereli for K pants. She provided pj pants pattern until size 5. It has a clear instruction for you to follow. 

D is 6 years old now, so i can't use the pattern from Sew Jereli. Instead i'm using the tutorial from Simple Modern Mom. She taught you how to draw your own pants pattern. But i guess i didn't follow it correctly.. i just get the pattern wrong, so i have to modified a little bit. Still D's pants is done.